Aside from “Sightings”, it was rare to find a TV show or even movies/books about the metaphysical world. Paranormal activity was a topic that wasn’t really part of the mainstream at that time. This all changed, however, in 2004 when the Reality TV show “Ghost Hunters” took off. I quickly became addicted to this show, along with other “para-reality” shows like “Ghost Adventures” and “Paranormal State”.
Inspired by the para-reality shows, I wanted to launch my own paranormal investigation but the only problem is that I didn’t know of any nearby haunted locations. A few years went by where I kept watching “Ghost Hunters” and could only wonder what it would really be like to personally experience a haunted house. Was it all even real?
It wasn’t until 2009 that an opportunity came to investigate a real haunted house and I didn’t seek it out; it pretty much just fell in my lap. It was Easter Sunday and my aunt and uncle were over for dinner. They had been renting a house on Cape Cod for a few months while waiting to move into a new home. Strange things were going on. There were loud bangs and electrical issues that defied explanation. Candles popped out of their holders. File cabinets opened by themselves. My uncle even saw a mop bucket levitate from the ground. Now, it’s important to understand that my aunt and uncle were conservative Catholics, about as far away from being believers in the paranormal as people could get. I knew that the activity must have been intense for them to be talking about it openly.
Flash-forward a couple weeks later and I went to visit them at their rented house. I had a video camera with me and all I did was shoot a little footage in each of the rooms. Nothing strange happened at the time, but upon reviewing the footage the next day, I saw something weird. There was a set of French doors in a living room and through the door I could see what-appeared-to-be a face. I studied the footage frame-by-frame, adjusted the brightness/contrast a bit and, sure enough, it really did look like there was some sort of apparition watching me while I was filming. Here is a still image taken from the footage:
The ghost is in the square. Can you see it? |
Along with the knocks, there were also several light anomalies that appeared on the tape. Some of these I did notice while I was filming and looking into the camera viewfinder. I wanted to debunk them as being dust, but upon closer review there was no denying that they were legitimate orbs of energy flying past the camera, out of walls, in and out of the room etc.
In the end, I was absolutely fascinated with my discoveries and happy I had finally gotten to experience paranormal activity first-hand. You would think that this would prompt me to conduct more “ghost hunts” but this never happened and I’m not sure it will ever happen again. The main reason for this is that “something” appeared to follow me home after I left my aunt and uncle’s rented house. This turned me off from paranormal investigating for, well, perhaps ever.
I knew something wasn’t quite right when, a couple nights after the investigation, I had a strange dream, if you even want to call it a dream. Perhaps I was in some sort of altered state of consciousness but all I could remember was that there was a pale, creepy-looking man coming at me. He never said anything but he seemed desperate. I don’t know why I got this impression but I felt like he wanted to suck and drain all the energy out of me, like he fed off of this.
After that dream, I experienced paranormal activity in my bedroom, mainly lights turning on and off and also electronics turning on by themselves. It wasn’t until a year or two later that a psychic medium confirmed that ‘something’ had followed me home from the haunted house. After performing a spiritual cleansing, the paranormal activity in my bedroom ceased.
Anyway, without further adieu, here is the full-length documentary "A Parallel World". It may give you the creeps, so snuggle up with that special somebody before you press 'play':
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